Last season, some artist drew a funny cartoons of all the players of the team. He was really good.
Someday when I was finally presented to him by the Float Soccer Shop Owner Mr. Ido. He's name was Hoshino.
After a good talk, of course, I showed him my own cartoons to, and finally I asked him a question that was in my chest through all this time: Why just when I was out of the team, somebody do such a amazing stuff like this???!!!

After that He calmly opened his celular phone and showed a picuture: it was my cartoon version by Hoshino wearing the Nagoya Oceans Satellite uniform. Oh! Happy day!
I would like to take this chance to apologize for using the original cartoon and changing the colors without asking by his permission. Sorry Hoshino-san!!!

But, when we went to Komaki for the central games, we met again. And one day after my birthday, he presented me this card with the "MarcosByHoshino - vers. 2.0".
Hoshino-san, thank you! I am your big fan!
ホシノさんのブログアドレス That is the link for his website: