会場に来てくれるだけで、僕はすごく嬉しいです。 座ったままで静かに試合を見ると簡単でも、それより皆立ったままで歌って、踊って 、旗を振って、厚い応援してくれてる。 なぜならチームの力になりたい。
何回家の試合より大事な物があったかも知りません、でも応援しに来てくれた。 行けと言われてない。 命令じゃない。 そのすべて自然にやてくれた。 デウソン好きだから。
僕の最初勝利のダンス皆の前踊った時絶対忘れません。 そのシーンまた見れるようにそして、自分のプレーで感謝を出来るために、コートにすべてを賭ける。
心からありがとうございます。 Always Together!
ホーム戦残り二試合なので家のサポータと一緒に応援をやって見てください。 楽しさ倍に出来るよ!Together we are Strong!\(^▽^*)(*^▽^)/
I believe that when we play, players, staff and supporters, we all are one.
This time, I want to thank all Deução Kobe's supporters.
I really don't care about what you do there. Just by being there, I really wanna thank each one of you. But for you it is not enough. You want to shout out loudly, sing, dance, open flags and go all around Japan to support us.
Many times you give up on important things to make it. But it is spontaneous and full of heart. You do it not because someone told you so, but because you choose to love and support Deução.
I will not forget my first time dancing The "Shori No Dance" after a victory. To repeat that scene as many times as I can, and to say with my play "thank you", I put my heart in the every single game.
Thank you all. Always Together!
ps. If you come to watch a game, please try once to participate in our supporters corner. They are really friendly and fun. We are stronger when we are ONE. \(^▽^*)(*^▽^)/
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