でも、クリニック始まってから、皆と一緒ボールを蹴って、迷いと怖さが消えました。 スポーツと友情の楽しさと美しさには壁が無い。 素晴らしいプレーとかわいい笑顔は何処へいっても一緒。 あの夜、皆さんにスポーツから自分の気持ちを伝える事ができて本当に嬉しかったです。 誠にありがとうございました。 出来ることなら何回でも本当に行きたいです。

そして、一人の方を絶対わすれちゃいかん。 その人は元名古屋BANFF時代のチームメート加藤です。 彼のお陰でこの素晴らしいクリニックが出来ました。 今までやってくれた事のお返しが出来ていない。 心からずっと感謝しています。 あなたは僕の大切な友達です。
皆さん参加して頂いて誠にありがとうございました。 またよろしくおねがいあします!(^o^)/
Futsal Clinic at Futsal Point Koshigaya
What an awesome day! After the game versus Fuchuu Athletic, I ran directly to Futsal Point Koshigaya to do my very first clinic in Kanto area. I've always heard that it has been where futsal is most popular and developed in Japan. So even when the F-League game had already finished, I was still nervous. Could I please such selected players? Could I express myself good enough in japanese? The day's battle wasn't over yet.
But all this doubts and worries were gone when we started to play together. I mean, the fun and joy of sport and friendship have no barriers. We all can undestand the delight of a good play as the beauty of a smile. That night, just to be able to express my feelings through sport, it made me truly happy.
Thank you all for the pleasant night we had together. It was really fun. And as Mr. Nami said, I hope we can repeat it as much as we can.
I would like to thank Jonas and Nami for their help and trust. Nami encouraged me and with genuine trust he said the mantra of that night: "For sure it will be good!"
And I cannot forget my dear friend and former team mate Kato. It is because of him that we could share such incredible time together. I cannot pay what you did for me. You will be my friend forever. Thank you.