越谷Futsal Pointのクリニックが最高でした!
やっぱり一緒にボールを蹴ると言葉と文化の壁が無くなる。 笑う、楽しむ、喜ぶことは共通。
また宜しくね。 (^o^)/
PS.加藤さん心からありがとうございました。 m(._.)m
I would like to thank everybody in that special evening at Koshigaya Futsal Point last saturday.
It was awesome to see you all and share such a fun time playing together. When we are playing there is no differences between culture or language. The joy and happiness we feel are the same.
I will be waiting for the next time!
See ya! (^o^)/
PS. Special thanks again to my great friend Kato. You are a REAL friend. m(._.)m
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