"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother." (Henry V - W. Shakespeare)
For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother." (Henry V - W. Shakespeare)
デウソン神戸 6x3 バサジィ大分
また言葉に伝わない感動でした。 二位の戦いにとって各試合は決勝になっています。 今回変わるわけが無い。
間違えなくミスが有ったと思うけれども、この日曜日のデウソン神戸は完璧でした。 見せたフットサルもちろん素晴らしいでした。 でも、さらに傑を出来ました。 今回選手とスタッフとサポーターが力合わせて一緒に戦った。
会場に行った人たちが絶対その雰囲気を感じました。 何か今回が違えが有った。 緑の魂。
一人じゃない。 今隣に入る人たちが僕と一緒に戦ってる。 そのままやっぱりちがう。普通の勝利じゃない。
皆で出来た勝利です。 Always Together! ( ^ _ ^)∠☆
F-League Report: Deução Kobe 6x3 Vasagey Oita
The words just don't come out again. Each game has been a final for us. Lots of emotions. This one couldn't be different.
We made some mistakes of course, but I could say that in this weekend Deução Kobe was perfect. I am not talking about the futsal we played, that no doubt was outstanding. But in special way, players, staffs and supporters, this time we all played together as ONE!
Everyone who was there, I know, could feel the same. There was something else. A green soul involving us.
It is always special when you realize you are not alone. There is someone else fighting same fight you are.
To win is always special. But to win this way is even more better.
Thank you all! This victory is ours! ( ^ _ ^)∠☆
プレイヤーカード Who is this pokemon?!
Today's match player card.
See you there! ;-)
Today's match player card.
See you there! ;-)
デウソンパワー Deução Power
会場に来てくれるだけで、僕はすごく嬉しいです。 座ったままで静かに試合を見ると簡単でも、それより皆立ったままで歌って、踊って 、旗を振って、厚い応援してくれてる。 なぜならチームの力になりたい。
何回家の試合より大事な物があったかも知りません、でも応援しに来てくれた。 行けと言われてない。 命令じゃない。 そのすべて自然にやてくれた。 デウソン好きだから。
僕の最初勝利のダンス皆の前踊った時絶対忘れません。 そのシーンまた見れるようにそして、自分のプレーで感謝を出来るために、コートにすべてを賭ける。
心からありがとうございます。 Always Together!
ホーム戦残り二試合なので家のサポータと一緒に応援をやって見てください。 楽しさ倍に出来るよ!Together we are Strong!\(^▽^*)(*^▽^)/
I believe that when we play, players, staff and supporters, we all are one.
This time, I want to thank all Deução Kobe's supporters.
I really don't care about what you do there. Just by being there, I really wanna thank each one of you. But for you it is not enough. You want to shout out loudly, sing, dance, open flags and go all around Japan to support us.
Many times you give up on important things to make it. But it is spontaneous and full of heart. You do it not because someone told you so, but because you choose to love and support Deução.
I will not forget my first time dancing The "Shori No Dance" after a victory. To repeat that scene as many times as I can, and to say with my play "thank you", I put my heart in the every single game.
Thank you all. Always Together!
ps. If you come to watch a game, please try once to participate in our supporters corner. They are really friendly and fun. We are stronger when we are ONE. \(^▽^*)(*^▽^)/
会場に来てくれるだけで、僕はすごく嬉しいです。 座ったままで静かに試合を見ると簡単でも、それより皆立ったままで歌って、踊って 、旗を振って、厚い応援してくれてる。 なぜならチームの力になりたい。
何回家の試合より大事な物があったかも知りません、でも応援しに来てくれた。 行けと言われてない。 命令じゃない。 そのすべて自然にやてくれた。 デウソン好きだから。
僕の最初勝利のダンス皆の前踊った時絶対忘れません。 そのシーンまた見れるようにそして、自分のプレーで感謝を出来るために、コートにすべてを賭ける。
心からありがとうございます。 Always Together!
ホーム戦残り二試合なので家のサポータと一緒に応援をやって見てください。 楽しさ倍に出来るよ!Together we are Strong!\(^▽^*)(*^▽^)/
I believe that when we play, players, staff and supporters, we all are one.
This time, I want to thank all Deução Kobe's supporters.
I really don't care about what you do there. Just by being there, I really wanna thank each one of you. But for you it is not enough. You want to shout out loudly, sing, dance, open flags and go all around Japan to support us.
Many times you give up on important things to make it. But it is spontaneous and full of heart. You do it not because someone told you so, but because you choose to love and support Deução.
I will not forget my first time dancing The "Shori No Dance" after a victory. To repeat that scene as many times as I can, and to say with my play "thank you", I put my heart in the every single game.
Thank you all. Always Together!
ps. If you come to watch a game, please try once to participate in our supporters corner. They are really friendly and fun. We are stronger when we are ONE. \(^▽^*)(*^▽^)/
Welcome back, Yama-chan!
オメデトウ ( ^ _ ^)∠☆PAN!
Since yesterday Yamatsuta is able to join the regular practice with us. Until now, he could do only physical trainings and some basic techniques. It is reason of great joy for us (he was injuried since the end of may). Welcome back Yama-chan! We missed you! ^o^
オメデトウ ( ^ _ ^)∠☆PAN!
Since yesterday Yamatsuta is able to join the regular practice with us. Until now, he could do only physical trainings and some basic techniques. It is reason of great joy for us (he was injuried since the end of may). Welcome back Yama-chan! We missed you! ^o^
English Onegaishimasu!
From now on I will start to update the blog contents in english to.
I think it will be easier for me to express myself and find more friends through this tool.
From now on I will start to update the blog contents in english to.
I think it will be easier for me to express myself and find more friends through this tool.
浦安バルドラール 2x8 デウソン神戸
昨日の勝利が二位の対決のために大きいでした。 今見たばっかり。 大分が名古屋に勝った。 そして、府中が北海道と引き分けました。 でも、それは本当に関係ありません。 今のところ一番大事のは自分の試合に集中する事です。 それをしっかり出来たら、二位の目標が叶えます。
浦安はいつもすごい相手だと思います。 選手たちが若いと上手いです。 フットサルが綺麗です。サポーターがあつい、歌うと止まらない。 いつもチーム前に進める。 本当に尊敬します。
でも、昨日は僕らの日でした。 全て入ってしまった。 攻撃と守備も。
僕にとってまた言葉に伝わない気持ちがいっぱいでした。今までの事を思い出したら、二試合連続先発に選ばれて、すごいう嬉しかった。 でも、その責任の重さも感じました。
たまに試合前の緊張と怖さが強すぎて集中が出来なくなる。 この世界に毎回結果を出さないとだめ。 この試合の後に状況は関係なく、自分の全てを冷たく評価される。 その時に神様に祈って、落ち着きました。 「マルコス、私の愛が条件が無い。」
昨日の勝利あなた達に送る事が僕には最高の感動でした。 いつも応援してくれって心からありがとうございます。
Always Together (^ _ ^)/
*サキちゃん! バナナケーキがすごいおいしかった! ありがとう!
Urayasu Bardral 2x8 Deução Kobe
Our last victory was a great leap to the race for the second place. I just heard that Oita had won their own game versus Nagoya and Fuchuu drew with Hokkaido, but it doesn't matter. We must stay focus in our own games. If we do this, for sure we will make it happen.
Urayasu is always a remarkable opponent. Good and young players and a clean futsal. Their supporters don't stop to push then foward. I really admire then. What a beautiful song they have!
But yesterday was our day, and things just happen for us like it was planned.
I can't describe how it feels. To be chosen as a starting member again. I mean, every single game is like a final for me. I feel like everytime I have to prove something. The pressure and the fear sometimes come so strong I can't even breath. But I prayed to God and He gave me the word I have nothing to prove to Him. And peace came.
Only the people who knows me and what I passed through can understand how important it is to me. I really wanna thank everyone who had supported me during this hard times.
This week we will work harder than before to finally beat Oita!
Always Together (^ _ ^)/
PS. Thank you Saki! The banana cake was wonderful!
大阪と言えば、シュラッピ。大分と言えば、バサル。 神戸と言えば、何した方が良いですか?
First we had "Keyan Robot". Then Deução-man and Green Tiger Mask showed up their faces.
Osaka reminds us Shrappy. Oita has the monkey Vasaru. But what about us?!
Looking by the tendencies, probably we will have a super-hero as a mascot for Kobe. :P
So, I separated some samples for mascots just for fun. What about you? Do you have a suggestion?
Always Together!(^o^)/
Deução Kobe 5x2 Pescadolla Machida
It's been a long time since my last game before the injury.
But now, even more than a day after this game, I still can't realyze what happened there.
勝利の喜び完全に分かてない。 プレッシャーの重さまだ残ってる。 めちゃくちゃ。
They joy of the victory didn't come completely. The tension and pressure are still inside me. It's too much!
But there is just one thing I really can understand clearly about it. For all those had supported me during all the hard times we had, to offer that moment to you was the most amazing feeling I had in a long time.
Thank you all, from the botton of my heart.
\(^ ^)/
Always Together!
It's been a long time since my last game before the injury.
But now, even more than a day after this game, I still can't realyze what happened there.
勝利の喜び完全に分かてない。 プレッシャーの重さまだ残ってる。 めちゃくちゃ。
They joy of the victory didn't come completely. The tension and pressure are still inside me. It's too much!
But there is just one thing I really can understand clearly about it. For all those had supported me during all the hard times we had, to offer that moment to you was the most amazing feeling I had in a long time.
Thank you all, from the botton of my heart.
\(^ ^)/
Always Together!
投稿 (Atom)