"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother." (Henry V - W. Shakespeare)



お見舞い - Visit

Last week's thrusday, Kohei, Yamatsuta, Shin, Ricardo, Betinho, Thiago, Frank and me went to the hospital to see how Suzumura is doing in his recovery (he had a knee surgery).

お土産持っていたのに「少ない!」て言われました。相変わらずな~ \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ
We brought him some gifts, but you know the man: "Just That???!!!" Always a big mouth. :P

He has just started his rehabilitation. This path will not be easy. But if it is Suzumura, we are confident that he will do it for sure.

頑張って、鈴村! Vamos Suzu!

鈴さん怪我してた間にチームのニットボーが来ました。フランキー自分のやつ鈴さんに貸しって、大変な事が起きた。ガ━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━ン!! During the time Suzu was in the hospital, our team's bonnet came. Frank lent his own for Suzu's try and...


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